Lost @ school

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The official Lost in Academia list of megalo-er, professors for the semester

Yes, yes, the Lost One is quite aware that this post is coming late, that he has been back in school for nearly a month. You got a problem? Get your own moron blog, this is the Lost One's moron blog, and he will run it how he sees fit!

So, where to start, where to start? Ah, perhaps Monday mornings at 9:00? What happens at 9:00, you ask? Good question the answer is, Secured Transactions. Led by the quietly competent, madam professor C_______, ST ( as the hip kids refer to it), is all about the exciting, nay compelling, nay nay incredibly importantly stupendous world of ensuring you get something when the person/business you loaned money to goes belly up. Its not that the Lost One doesn't find the topic of kicking the consumer when he is down a gay romp (he is, after all, a law student), but you know, it can be a bit...Depressing. So to lighten the mood, a bit of ST (Aye, those witty hip kids) humor:

Q: What do you call the guarantor of a loan?

A: A sucker.

Q: What do you call the co-Signor of a loan?

A: Sucker with a pen.

Tee-hee, because people who trust people are saps! (yes, the Lost One is quite aware his indoctrination into the legal community continues apace)

Next, comes Business Associations, with Professor S________, which is all about how to form some sort of organization for exploiting the working man, like a Partnership, or a limited partnership, or (*Gasp!*) an evil corporation!!!! (sound of dramatic music, indicating the spawn of Satan is present). Again the Lost One isn't overly thrilled with this class (in his quieter moments he refers to the class as Everything you ever wanted to know about Corporations, but were...Oh, you didn't?), still master Professor S______ is from the same region of the Pacific Northwest as the Lost One, so the Lost One finds he has to keep from jumping up and shouting, "Hey, I know that Corporation!!!!!!" at least once every other class. Plus it was very, very, very funny watching Professor S______, a rather quiet and unassuming man, rant for a whole class period about how he got screwed by his last partnership. (remember kids, always get agreements to terminate employment early in writing. Nothing induces more amnesia then a verbal agreement to let one party out of a contract...Well, maybe loaning money to friends and family)

Next, we move to Tuesdays at 9:00. And just what magical land of fairy dust, and lemon drops do we find? Why Evidence with Professor F_____, of course (Well, not so much "fairy dust and lemon drops" as crack cocaine, and greedy step siblings)! The Lost One bloody loves this class. What's not to revel in? Now the Lost One can watch Law & Order and jump up and down screaming, "THAT'S NOT HEARSAY YOU IDIOT!!!!! ITS OBVIOUSLY A STATEMENT AGAINST PENAL INTEREST!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE A 801 d OBJECTION!!!!!!! QUICKLY!!!...(W/ extra disgust)Idiot." Good times, good times. Plus the cases are really interesting, like when the man with three sons marries the woman with three daughters ("Here 's a story of a lovely lady..."), who kick the bucket at near the same time and leave the children to fight over who gets the inheritance thanks to a very poorly worded pair of wills:

"I hereby bequeath all my worldly possessions to my spouse, or in the event I out live my spouse, to my children."

Ouch. Result? Dad survived Mom by 3 minutes, and thus the boys get the dough (Whose the pretty one now, Marcia?). Because family fights are fun.

Next we have Legal Research and Writing II. Ugh. 'nuff said.

Well, almost. Look the first time the class was a waste of time, but since all that the class does is cover the same ground as last year, so its like congratulations you've just crossed the line to completely useless. Still it was kinda funny when visiting Professor L______ went off on a student for using an expletive in class. Went off for like 5 minutes. Funny. Funny and uncomfortable. Moving on.

Which brings us to Wednesday at 3:45. (What!?! You are no doubt exclaiming in alarm, or alternately not caring overly much...Yes the first two classes are Mon/Wed/Fri, but this class is Wed only.) Comparative Constitutional Law, which is all about sucky other countries and why they suck with such...er...suckitude. Yeah ethnocentric, Baby! 4eva! No actually its kind of interesting, how some democracies (Like Britain, Israel, and Germany) don't have constitutions, and those that do have very different relationships with their Constitutions. Its also so small that whenever the Lost One passes Professor K_____, in the halls he says, "Hi Lost, ready for class?" Those of you who read this blog regularly (of which their are zero) know the Lost One is against the interaction w/ professors out side of class...Its like they have actual lives or something. Ewwwwwww.

Well, until next time.


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