Lost @ school

Monday, May 09, 2005


It's often said that war feeds on the soldier and civilian with equal delight, but (I'm giving the same disclaimer Strange Women did, "warning: contains disturbing picture of American soldier cradling little Iraqi girl who was just blown up in an "insurgent" attack") this story was just sick. In war innocents die, it's sad, but it's also inevitable. How, freaking, ever, targeting a convey when it's surrounded by Children is just evil!!!! There is no excuse for it, ever! This isn't the way wars are fought, and certainly not the way they are won. Damned murders.

As a result of either doing a few deep breathing exercises (good air in, bad air out...), or possibly as a result of the fistful of Valium he's taken (Ummmm...Valium) the Lost One can now, politely, discourse on this article. No cause, no matter how great, how noble, or how just is ever worth the deliberate targeting of the lives of children. One of the biggest stumbling blocks to a Palestine state (at least for the Lost One) has been the culture of the suicide bomber. War is, and should be, a thing for grown-ups. Period. The resistance in France during WWII didn't target Nazi children for death (though he will admit they had a less then stellar time after the war). As evil goes, it's hard to get more hardcore then Nazis. If such a act was termed out of order against the progeny of Hitler's bully boys, how much more so the innocents of Iraq, whose only crime was to be excited (probably at the possibility of gaining that ubiquitous ambassador of the American soldiers' good will, the candy bar) because Americans were present? Till happier tidings folks.


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