Thank Heaven for Little Girls? Not so much...
The Lost One, having a truck load worth of spleen, and no one to vent it to, will now use his blog for its intended purpose.
Freaking A' when did teenage girls become so annoying? Admittedly, the Lost One hasn't hung out with teenage girls, years?... but really they couldn't have been this annoying then, could they?
Now the Lost One can imagine the consternation this post, what could have caused the normally level-headed Lost One to go on the offensive? The answer is quite simple, being stuck between two feuding groups of teens for two and a half hours. (Hold on the Lost One is currently experiencing a post traumatic flashback...AHHHHHHHHH...just another second and it is over...)
Where did the trauma take place? Why at the movies of course. The Lost One was in the middle of a perfectly good bit of cinema, when suddenly, it was decided that group 2 (sitting in the row in front of the Lost One) had been insulted by group 1 (sitting behind the Lost One).
Now the Lost One is a guy. D'uh, right. But what is meant by this is, he is no stranger to the odd pissing contest. However, when guys do it, it only lasts for a few minutes ends with the phrase, "Then step outside Bee-otch." (or some variant there of) at which time the groups go outside, or more likely one group goes outside and the other shuts the heck up, and switches seats and/or movies. Oh but not girls.
So the Lost One was treated to 2 plus hours of two groups of girls, wenching back and forth about the way someone was dressed, the popularity of members of a group with boys, and the reasons for said popularity, the age appropriate nature of the movie, the proper classification of one group in the canine species, or other exotica, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Now, why you may be wondering did the staff of the theater do nothing? The Lost One is right there with you, as two separate attempts to complain fell on deaf ears.
Well, there you go. Another negative epiphany about the power of the teenage male brain's ability to tune out crazy for the attractive. *Sigh* In the end, even Shepard book's assurances that they are destined for the "special hell" fails to comfort. Note to self only see movies during school hours.
Freaking A' when did teenage girls become so annoying? Admittedly, the Lost One hasn't hung out with teenage girls, years?... but really they couldn't have been this annoying then, could they?
Now the Lost One can imagine the consternation this post, what could have caused the normally level-headed Lost One to go on the offensive? The answer is quite simple, being stuck between two feuding groups of teens for two and a half hours. (Hold on the Lost One is currently experiencing a post traumatic flashback...AHHHHHHHHH...just another second and it is over...)
Where did the trauma take place? Why at the movies of course. The Lost One was in the middle of a perfectly good bit of cinema, when suddenly, it was decided that group 2 (sitting in the row in front of the Lost One) had been insulted by group 1 (sitting behind the Lost One).
Now the Lost One is a guy. D'uh, right. But what is meant by this is, he is no stranger to the odd pissing contest. However, when guys do it, it only lasts for a few minutes ends with the phrase, "Then step outside Bee-otch." (or some variant there of) at which time the groups go outside, or more likely one group goes outside and the other shuts the heck up, and switches seats and/or movies. Oh but not girls.
So the Lost One was treated to 2 plus hours of two groups of girls, wenching back and forth about the way someone was dressed, the popularity of members of a group with boys, and the reasons for said popularity, the age appropriate nature of the movie, the proper classification of one group in the canine species, or other exotica, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Now, why you may be wondering did the staff of the theater do nothing? The Lost One is right there with you, as two separate attempts to complain fell on deaf ears.
Well, there you go. Another negative epiphany about the power of the teenage male brain's ability to tune out crazy for the attractive. *Sigh* In the end, even Shepard book's assurances that they are destined for the "special hell" fails to comfort. Note to self only see movies during school hours.
Labels: Movies
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