Lost @ school

Sunday, February 27, 2005

My First Real Post!

SO for my first post I think I'm in the mood to winge about...Politics. Time magazine is reporting that recordings exist in which the president says, among other things, that he once smoked pot. I can't say this came as a huge shock to me, I mean we all knew coming in Bush had a bad boy past. Now, simply because my own past is one long boring quest to be more adult, and thus is relatively free of bad boy tales, is no reason for me to look down my nose at someone who messed up early on and turned it all around. While I'm on the Politics kick let me just say this...I hate Green Day. A lot. Which is odd, because yeah they're liberal, and virulently anti-Bush, but usually I just find that funny. You know in a, "Ha-Ha, look at how stupid they are." sort of a way. I mean I live in the most liberal parts of my state, surrounded by Kerry for President bumper stickers, and it just makes me laugh. I mean 'cause now they have to drive around with an endorsement (their ineffective endorsement) for a loser on their car. I view it as a sort of instant karma, because, as is often the case, endorsing liberalism is its own punishment. But Green Day is just so...Arrogant. (I know my conservative brethren are as we speak having a coronary over my stunning Naivete) But Green Day is different, they are so deluded as to think that every one who does not follow the domestic and foreign affairs advice of, what amounts to, a bunch of coked up half baked studio puppets with delusions of adequacy, that you are an idiot. I realize that they have sucked all over the world while touring, but being treated like your Woodrow Wilson in Europe and actually being him are totally separate things boys. What ever. So now we move on to the second five minutes of the date where one abandons the scant pretense of cool and owns the crown of geekdom, figuring if the shoe fits...But okay, next time I'll complain about my professors. Promise.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Getting to Know You...

Well, okay...Hi. I'm Lost, and this is my first attempt at blogging. I started this blog as an attempt to improve my writing (I have grammar issues) as well as typing skills, so good luck understanding my posts :) I'm an undergrad student at a first tier college, who by the start of the next academic school year hopes to be a student at a first tier law school instead. What else...Why does this feels like the opening moments of a first date? You know when you’re trying to convince the other person that you are both cool and not a scientologist Star Trek fan who dresses as a Klingon on the weekends, and really thinks you should donate money to L. Ron Hubbard. (Allow me to post a quick note of apology both to Star Trek fans, and scientologists, I'm sure both groups are chock full o' ladies men). I'm taking three classes this quarter, two in my major, Political Science, and one in español the language of half of my forbearers. I live at home with my Mother, though that will not be the case soon (as in next year) the much maligned and battered remnants of my crushed pride cry. I've two younger brothers whom I love and one older whom I get on with about as much as gasoline and fire. I'll mostly be complaining about my school and professors, but one must always make room for family. As to the content of my blog, school will be the focus, and all the fun little bit of insanity that the modern University is heir too. So there you are, exploded in a nut shell. Until next time.