Lost @ school

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Okay, so this is really, the last post, Lost One's Honor...

While getting ready from his trip from the Great Plains to his home in the Pacific Northwest, the Lost One was selecting his CDs for the trip (It's close enough to 24 hours of driving as makes no difference with an average speed of 65 miles per hour [though the Lost Kitty and the Lost One made it in 22 and a half last fall, he'll let you figure the average land speed for yourself]), the Lost One was shocked ridged by the ability of I-Tunes to rescue songs from CDs that the Lost One would have sworn were too badly scratched to even think about playing. And yet, the little ripper has pulled out the songs, with yeomen like efficiency. Sure the rip isn't perfect (Better then Ezra's *One More Murder* just skipped a couple of beats while I was typing this, but the CD had a fricking hole in it). While, as a beloved child of the Pacific Northwest, the Lost One generally has no use for Apple, he must admit that, Darn, that's a good CD ripper.

Secondly, It's always nice to go back over your CD collection and pull out Songs, albums, and even whole bands you'd forgotten. It looks like the Lost One's trip home will be accompanied by *Save Ferris* (Who, The Lost One misses. Darn, but Ska reminds the Lost One of High School [The non-sucky bits that is {which let's face it, was like a half hour, right after the Lost One graduated, but before he started stressing about college}]), Various artists from the soundtrack to the Movie *The Saint* (Which is shades of Electronica [Check out Sneaker Pimps *Six Underground*, Luscious Jackson *Roses Fade*, Dreadzone *A Dream with in a Dream*, and Everything but the Girl *Before Today*, if you get a chance] and song for song one of the best soundtracks ever made [The incredibly underrated *Roswell* soundtrack being my favorite, there isn't a song on it that the Lost One doesn't love] particularly given how the movie was horrible), and various odds, and sods (Like *Dreaming of You* by Selena, theme Song to the Lost One's doomed first crush, Nina Thomas [Who has...like, a nose ring and drinks, according to her My Space page {Which makes the Lost One look, waaaaaaaay more street then he actually is}], Sarah McLachlan *Black* [off of the X-Files soundtrack, the album version sucks] and Chevelle *Until You Reform*). He's almost looking forward to the 24 hours stuck in the small cab of a moving truck next to Ulysses. Almost.

See ya.


Friday, May 02, 2008

Its been fun...

The Lost One having just turned in his last take home final is now, officially, no longer a professional student.


Feels weird.

Anyways, there are a few people who deserve a shout out for getting The Lost One through the last three years:
First, my good friend J.G. who was the best friend a guy could ask for. Good luck to you and your lovely wife in Med School.

The entire Lost Family, Ulysses: Thanks for the help moving my stuff out here, and then back again. Thanks for the Christmas flights so I wouldn't go batty, thanks for the support and encouragement. Thanks Da.

Penelope: Thanks for the cars, the place to stay over last summer and this, ditto on the flights, and the support. I couldn't have done it with out you Mom.

The Roaming One: Thanks for always being interested in what I was doing, thanks for reminding me that studying the law was a privilege and a thrill. Every time I thought I couldn't go on, Every time I got a bad grade and wondered if the effort was worth the end, I'd call you and you'd just be so enthused, I'd just perk up. Thanks Bro, I owe you. And I know you will be great at law school in the fall.

The Wandering One: Thanks for always being in a good mood. it's annoying, that your little Brother can always smile, even when he's in the stuff, so why can't you suck it up, Sally? You were always the inspiration for a happier day, and I needed that. Thanks Bro, and good luck on the Senior year and beyond. I know you can do it.

and of course, the Lost Kitty: Books chewed = innumerable, Papers scattered = uncountable, stress relieved = immeasurable.

To all The Lost One's friends around the world, including the other J.G. in Japan (Thanks for the e-mails, couldn't have done it with out you), J.C. in Cali. (Ha! You sound like a boy band member! [Thanks to you too, rough up a suspect, for The Lost One.]) and all my friends at EBC (See you guys soon!), The Sylvan Creature, and his parents, for the summer digs first year, and all the many, many other friends, family, bench mates, and professors, without whom I couldn't have done it. Thank you kindly, all of you. I appreciate it.

But in the end, all good things must end so in the immortal words of Mel Blanc:

Update: For those wondering what gift to get the Lost One, might he suggest this is the law school gift that keeps on giving?