Lost @ school

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Oh, Sweet, Sweet Vindication.

Just a quick one before reading for Civ. Pro. ... When the Lost One was taking a class from Profesora F_____, he wrote a paper, well thought out and articulate (or as articulate as one can be in a Spanish class paper, when one speaks Spanish...Badly), about how in the future women would work from home. While the Lost One received a decent grade for the paper, it was more then liberally laced with the "feminist nod" (that little head movement that says, "I support you and your right to hold such an obviously stupid and incorrect position."). Well thanks to the Ladies at IWF the Lost One can now exclaim, "Boo-Yah!" ;) Hasta.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Where's the Professor?

So the Lost One is a bit ticked, he's here but where is Professor W_____? Not here. Still a bit of time to spend with my sadly neglected blog. Not a whole lot going on now, shades of eat, sleep, read, class (is class a verb? What would be an appropriate verb?), repeat. Still, now that the Lost One is reaching the half point of his year, the crazy has to be coming, right? You know the time when it will be read, class, read, class, read, class, read, class, longing thoughts of sep-u-ku (confidential to the Lost One's mother: Just kidding mom. I'm fine. Send Money.). Looking forward to attending Red Mass, even though, ya'know, not a Catholic. Still it sounds like it might be fun to set aside a little time every year to pray for the Maker's wisdom for those of us in (or at least seeking to join) the legal profession.

Let's see what else? Oh, went to the local Bar Association "reception" (read: lots and lots of lawyers getting plastered). OK, the Lost One will admit to being a square on the whole drinking issue, but what the heck is the point of bragging about the time you got so drunk you (insert inappropriate/stupid/illegal behavior one would be socially shunned for, if done sober). "Wait there was alcohol involved, so it's funny! Ha! See it's not wrong, I was..." And then comes the awkward silence when the Lost One doesn't laugh...Followed by the new "changed" topic of how drunk they were last night/will be tonight/are going to be tomorrow. Check please. Wait the bar was open. DEAR SWEET MAKER, GIVE ME A FIVE COUNT TO MOVE OUT OF YOUR WAY FIRST! *sigh* The Lost One has just figured out why lawyers have a reputation for being alcoholics. Still, it was kinda weird being there...In a suit...With professionals being treated as something close to an equal. Plus a lot of the professor were there, which is always creepy. It's almost like they have lives away from the hour/hour and a half they spend in class. Ewwww. Till next time.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Bored Silly.

Yes, the Lost One is, at current, bored senseless. The promise of EXCITEMENT!, DANGER!, INTRIGUE!, and FRATERNITY! the Lost One was assured were all *vital* parts of the law school experience, are proving to be decidedly...Reticent in appearing. True the professors are all promising to start going faster, getting harder, etc. , but for now the Lost One sits, with over an hour till the next class, after having completed the reading assignment for today...Tuesday. Still, let me use this time to give ya'll a brief thumbnail of the rogues gallery the Lost One is taking classes from: Monday starts with contracts (hereafter "K"). K is taught by the lovely, if slightly tart tongued, Madam Professor W. Professor W is convinced we are all idiots in her class, and the Lost One must admit, with a bit of reason. After all, after 4 tries at making a seating chart, she has given up the ghost (the Lost One, in defense of those who, like himself, sit in the back and then discover the incompetence of the people in the front rows, wishes to point out that if she would start at the "back" of the room, the chart could be done correctly). The Professor is quite good at outlining K, but seems determined to teach by rote. The Lost One is positive he will remember B + A + C(or some other good reason)= K for the rest of his natural life (for the Roaming One: Bargain, Acceptance, Consideration), but that fact will not stop him from hearing it a couple...Hundred more times. *Sigh* Then comes Professor V_____, whom I've already complained about, so the Lost One will just say, he always thought it was MED school that draws the "I Think I'm the Great Maker Incarnate" types. 'fraid not. Finally (for the day at least) comes professor D______ who is a nice guy good teacher, and generally makes class fun and interesting. You will, of course, never hear of him again. That's my list of M/W/F class list, but what of T/TH? The Lost One is glad you asked. Let's start with Professor A_____, a generally quiet man, who closes his eyes while he lectures which is funny, but understandable (the Lost One will admit he takes off his glasses when he gives a speech). A Librarian, with a Librarians beleif the Library is the locus around which all others gravitate and/or strive. Next we have the enigma that is Professor S_____. The Lost One is unsure of what to think of Professor S_____. The man is either one of the best, most insightful professors the Lost One has ever had, or he went senile a bit ago and no one noticed. Jury is still out on that one. For now, you should know he stalks around the classroom, circling the class, or possibly only the victim in his cruel game of "read me your brief... No it's all wrong." Muttering all the while. So you know, crazy...But if you begin listening to the comments, themes begin to emerge, wisdom even, so...Who knows? Finally, there is the Dean. A nice man, funny articulate, and prone to highly amusing anecdotes about his own time in private practice. So that's where the Lost One is. Now there is nothing for him to do but wait for class, and then for his father to bring his stuff down (this weekend! Hurray!!). Till later folk.