Because the Lost One is, if nothing else, a lover of self he went to the Blog search engine Technorati and discovered that his lonely little blog had been linked by no less a personage then Robert Tumminello, of the ever popular Expat Yank blog. He will need just a moment...
Mind numbing horror...
Wait you mean people actually read this crap?!!!?? Sure the Lost One realized that a few friends stopped by (and his mother), but actual smart people!!! Oh, crap...
Still, after all the asinine stuff the Lost One posts, it is doubtful any one else has ever stopped back, so at least there is that. Well, until next time.
Mind numbing horror...
Wait you mean people actually read this crap?!!!?? Sure the Lost One realized that a few friends stopped by (and his mother), but actual smart people!!! Oh, crap...
Still, after all the asinine stuff the Lost One posts, it is doubtful any one else has ever stopped back, so at least there is that. Well, until next time.