Lost @ school

Friday, December 29, 2006


Because the Lost One is, if nothing else, a lover of self he went to the Blog search engine Technorati and discovered that his lonely little blog had been linked by no less a personage then Robert Tumminello, of the ever popular Expat Yank blog. He will need just a moment...



Mind numbing horror...

Wait you mean people actually read this crap?!!!?? Sure the Lost One realized that a few friends stopped by (and his mother), but actual smart people!!! Oh, crap...

Still, after all the asinine stuff the Lost One posts, it is doubtful any one else has ever stopped back, so at least there is that. Well, until next time.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Next, on a very special post of Lost @ School ...

So the Lost One promised he would be back post first final, and here he is. Since the Lost One was allowed, only a brief time to post on Clone High in his last post(what was he busy doing at this end of the semester point?...Um,...Would you believe smoking the Mary Jane? No?), he now returns for a lengthier look at the doomed show.

The Lost One loved this show.

Then he grew up.

You know what it's like? It's like when you were a kid and saw Indiana Jones for the first time, and were like, Wow, how cool is he? He's got to be the smoothest cat around. And then get old enough to see your first Bond film? Yeah it's a bit like that.

It's not that the show is Bad. It's just that it was so much better as an undergrad, when you still kinda remembered the suckiness of High School, and the pain, and trauma. Now, while being totally watchable, it is some what scattered, and the Lost One has the vague feeling that if only he could remember in more detail his tortured adolescents, then the show would be that much funnier. (Lest the Lost One be deluged from his loyal readership...Moving on any ways...The Lost One should affirm that sometimes his life can suck, but it never sucks as bad as it did in High School)

Still, even if it's not the greatest, you should give it a try. It's chock full of enough, historical references to leave you chuckling long after the episode ends. The Lost One's favorite?

(Fade In)
Henry VIII on a helicopter)
Henry VIII: Marie Antoinette Will you go to the Prom with me?

(Helicopter comes down too low and the blades decapitate Marie Antoinette)

Henry VIII:Oh...Anne Boleyn, will you go to the prom with me?

Classic. In more ways then one. Until next time.

P.S. What do you think of the New Font? Sweet.