Lost @ school

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Eulogy: Vio Con Dios, Glitch.

The Lost One has a few words about his much beloved computer.

(One second...Control your self...you owe Him this...)

Glitch what can be said about you? You were always there for me. When I had to take notes in class, you were there. When Professor V_______ was doing his ten minutes on how he hadn't assigned the part of the book that mentioned him by name, you and your wireless connection were there, too. When there was a three hour lay over in Denver, you and your DVD player were there.

What can be said about such a friend? You were always there. Oh, sure there was that time your battery was dead and there was no way to order that limited Edition *Star Wars* collectible, but it was always assumed that you were just helping to preserve my reputation. Not that the owner of this blog would ever...moving on. You were a friend who stuck out the times that that arrogant prig Peter the great was rampaging through the civilized world. You helped stop Yuri from taking over the planet. You made it possible for all those Barbarian tribes to be crushed under the hobnailed sandals of Rome. You were such a good little machine, that it is certain, despite a tendency to fatal error every time a CD was inserted, that you are now in the loving embrace of Silicon heaven, with The Bombe, Edison's light bulb, and the German V-2 rocket (he converted late in his life). None need fear that you are burning in the ungrounded flames of silicon hell, with the enigma machine, Ol' Sparky the electric chair, and every photo copier ever made. So thank you glitch, old friend, for years of faithful service. And the new Guy? He could only succeed you, never replace you.

To Glitch:
May digitally recorded choirs of Angels, sing you to sleep.


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