Lost @ school

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Feeling Good About One's Own Depth

Again, from Ace, Drat! Still click over to this article for a real, real, real, real, shallow view of the game of men and women.

Several points here…

How beautiful must this women be to justify a cut into a 500K a year job? Now let the Lost One just say, at his most cynical, his least romantic moments, he will admit that many marriages in fact take economics into account. Women do marry men based on there pay check, and there ability to provide for offspring. Men do try to attract women as beautiful as will have them. It’s just the way it is, Men and Women are the product of biological imperatives. Still, is any women a full order of magnitude more attractive then any other woman? And is any other woman a full order of magnitude more attractive then the average woman? Really? Have you seen the average woman?

The Lost One has already admitted that men and women have biological imperatives that will be heard. But, to paraphrase a leading light of wit and intellect, luminous beings be we, not just this crude matter. The Lost One adds "just", because he is not a Gnostic, and thus feels all matter is not evil. While the Bible allows for the needs of the flesh, (the only legitimate reason Paul allows marriage is as a sop to the flesh) we must always remember that the we are called to check the flesh whenever possible. We must always ensure that the biological tail, doesn’t wag the spiritual and intellectual dog.

While he does it in the most pedantic, small-minded, superficial way possible, the male response has a few good points.
1) Beauty fades, superficiality is forever.
2) Investing for the long haul is always the smart way to go.
3) Just being Christians makes us the Supermen of the dating world.

Really, you think this fink is going to end up with more then a series of STDs, a trophy wife, slowly bleeding him of his fortune, and a stint in the most convenient and cheap old folks home? The Lost One highly doubts it.

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