Friday, April 29, 2005
Because the Lost One knows this subject is of particular interest to some of his readers, he's going to link to this article from The Independent Women's Forum and the original article from Scientific American. The articles relate some of the findings done with monkeys that show that certain toys are naturally preferred by certain sexes, (boys like balls, trucks, and other things that can be pushed and pulled, and the girls went for the dolls). The Lost One cannot say he is overly surprised by the studies findings, it has long been his position that exactly because women can do what ever they want, there has to be a reason that so many cultures (read: all of them) have assigned the care giver role to the ladies. Which isn't to say that all women are always going to be good at it, or that they should be relegated to only that type of work. Human beings are so much more then the sum of their parts. Any way, as usual the Lost One is procrastinating doing his homework for the lovely, yet scary Profesora F_________, so back to the salt mines.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Heck Yeah!
The Lost One is in too good a mood to worry about not appearing geeky on this one (he knows it's a losing fight anyway). The new movie trailer for Joss Whedon's Serenity can be viewed at the link here. Joss Whedon...Big quote the scribe himself, "Shiny." The Lost One cannot wait for September 30th.
In his joy at having viewed the trailer, the Lost One forgot to credit INDC Journal with the find (you try to remember the finer points of net etiquette in the middle of a explosion/witty dialogue induced state of Nirvana).
In his joy at having viewed the trailer, the Lost One forgot to credit INDC Journal with the find (you try to remember the finer points of net etiquette in the middle of a explosion/witty dialogue induced state of Nirvana).
Monday, April 25, 2005
The End of Evil Midterms.
So the Lost One has come to the end of his midterms (or at least the one he was worried about), and it wasn't quite the car crash he was expecting. If his feelings are any indication, then the Lost One might just walk away from this with a pretty decent grade. The Lost One almost feels bad for having bad mouthed Profesora F_______, however he's going to wait for the actual grades before issuing any retractions.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the mid-west...
In response to his multiple phone calls, and e-mail asking whether the Lost Kitty is allowed in graduate housing, the law school the Lost One is planning on attending has sent him an email saying...We don't have any more room this year in graduate housing. For those of you who are tracking this story by the numbers, they are 3-1-0. 3 number of questions sent to the office of student housing, 1 number of responses the Lost One received from the school, and 0 number of times they actually answered his question. Ah, the dance of the bureaucrat, The Lost One knows it well. Now all he has to do is pin the Fin-Aid rep. to their chair for ten minutes...
In a bid to not be out done by the Ace of Spades (it's not like he's invented the idea of being prepared for the attack of zombies, The Lost One has also read The Zombie Survivial Guide[What? He was bored, it was there, end of story.]) the Lost One has found this site to be full of activists opposed to the zombie lifestyle (read: people having too much time on their collective hands). Check out the Zombie Squad videos, the music is very, very funny by itself (quick disclaimer, some mild expletives, be aware). Good Times, Good Times.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the mid-west...
In response to his multiple phone calls, and e-mail asking whether the Lost Kitty is allowed in graduate housing, the law school the Lost One is planning on attending has sent him an email saying...We don't have any more room this year in graduate housing. For those of you who are tracking this story by the numbers, they are 3-1-0. 3 number of questions sent to the office of student housing, 1 number of responses the Lost One received from the school, and 0 number of times they actually answered his question. Ah, the dance of the bureaucrat, The Lost One knows it well. Now all he has to do is pin the Fin-Aid rep. to their chair for ten minutes...
In a bid to not be out done by the Ace of Spades (it's not like he's invented the idea of being prepared for the attack of zombies, The Lost One has also read The Zombie Survivial Guide[What? He was bored, it was there, end of story.]) the Lost One has found this site to be full of activists opposed to the zombie lifestyle (read: people having too much time on their collective hands). Check out the Zombie Squad videos, the music is very, very funny by itself (quick disclaimer, some mild expletives, be aware). Good Times, Good Times.
Who Freakin' Squealed?
Okay, people, who sang? This blog was started so The Lost One could make all sorts of dorky in-jokes and be really esoteric and nerdy. Now however, it looks like we have a new reader so the Lost One is actually going to have to start "thinking" before posting, rather then just typing random stuff. You all know how much the Lost One deplores thinking!! The Lost One also loves random stuff!
So whose the squealer? Come, come take your lumps. It's only going to be worse the longer it's denied... *Sigh* Maybe I scared the reader away with my sophomoric "wit" and complete lack of relevance to anything even remotely related to normal people's lives. We can only hope, because first you get one new reader, next thing you know you have that stupid ad for the "exercise program" (the one with the bald hombre) running all over your screen. It's a slippery slope people! I'm just too disgusted to type. Until after lunch (the Lost One is stuck on campus till 6:30, so he will try to find something to winge about between now and then).
Not everyone get's my sense of humor. Oops, live and learn. Until next time friends.
So whose the squealer? Come, come take your lumps. It's only going to be worse the longer it's denied... *Sigh* Maybe I scared the reader away with my sophomoric "wit" and complete lack of relevance to anything even remotely related to normal people's lives. We can only hope, because first you get one new reader, next thing you know you have that stupid ad for the "exercise program" (the one with the bald hombre) running all over your screen. It's a slippery slope people! I'm just too disgusted to type. Until after lunch (the Lost One is stuck on campus till 6:30, so he will try to find something to winge about between now and then).
Not everyone get's my sense of humor. Oops, live and learn. Until next time friends.
Just a quick one...
Because the Lost One *should* be studying for a midterm, this is going to be a quick one. Having just gotten done checking out the Ace of Spades HQ where Ace quotes this Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy fan:
"That's why there are so many wonderfully quotable lines in Hitchhiker's Guide, most of which are notable by their absence from the film. There are, astoundingly, individual phrases and even words that have been removed. For example, in the Vogon poetry scene which, like Prosser's confrontation, is now so short as to be utterly pointless, Arthurs line "counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor", a brilliantly crafted piece of faux literary critique, has become "counterpoint the underlying metaphor." How is that justified? Did someone try to keep the film under two hours by crossing out some of the long words?"The Lost One now requires the most sacred of assurances from you, gentle readers. If in any future post the Lost One ever says something like, "in the Vogon poetry scene which, like Prosser's confrontation, is now so short as to be utterly pointless, Arthurs line 'counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor' "...Err, whatever, or bemoans the lack of " faux literary critique" please, for the love of all that is sacred, kill me. The Lost One would consider such action a kindness beyond measure. And with that, back to studying for Profesora F______.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
What is this Feeling...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. The Lost One is at current experiencing a strange feeling please hold while he takes a second to formulate a brief internal review of the processes going on in his head:
Urge to visit the bathroom...In the Queue
Geeky Anticipation For next Star Wars film...Running
Mind numbing fear he will never, ever, ever know the love of a real woman...Running
Need to complete next task in time for class...Not Applicable...Processing...Processing...Error, Error, Error.
Huh, well what do you know...So this is what that feels like. Pretty sweet. Meanwhile the Lost One has gone through several life changing events, including his acceptance into a Law School in the mid-west (to those who wanted the Lost One to return to the capital...Sorry the money was to good, the Lost One is nothing if not a fully self interested sellout). Still, the Lost One is in no ways thrilled to have a new set of bureaucrats to deal with (after two phone calls and an e-mail, the Lost One still doesn't know if the Lost Kitty is going to be a deal breaker for his attempt at living in on-campus graduate housing). Also he has realized he has a rather bad case of Spring fever, and a serious hate on for the clase de Profesora F_______. Not that the Lost One holds any grudge against her...Well, not a big one...Well, I'm sure the urge to kill her will fade. Eventually. It's just that she's so darn new to the whole teaching game that I feel like the class is being taught by a video professor. Or maybe its cause she doesn't think the Lost One is very funny (as signs of soullessness go, only having no reflection is a better indicator). And Professor M_______! Boy does the Lost One loathe being right all the time, yet he knows we all have our crosses to bare. Professor M______ has begun his class readings with a book in which he's heavily mentioned in the introduction(not that he assigned the introduction to be read mind, he merely pointed out that it is there with his name in it <"Nooooooooooo don't read the introduction where I am mentioned 14 tiiiiiiiiiiiimes...This is so embarrasingggggggg...You in the back why haven't you turned to the introduction yet?">) But he also assigned two additional readings he wrote. How's that for hubris? All the while professing, "I don't like to assign books I wrote." Riiiiiiiight. And if the book was any good, well the Lost One could overlook all this. It wasn't so he can't. First, the book argued that people are required to petition for rights to be implemented. The Lost One actually agrees with this point, after all the beauty of the American system is not it's perfection (nothing on this Earth short of the Divine's presence can be perfect), instead the American systems true elegance comes in providing a system that responds to people's enthusiams via Constitutional methods. Protesters (and the freedom of speech they represent) are vital in changing public opinion sure, but with out the first amendments other (and in my opinion the more important right) it is the ability to petition the government for redress of our grievances that is how rights are made. However, according to the book, it's all about people's agitation. Whatever. In the end, no amount of protests will ever count as much as a single election day results going your way. If only Professor M_______ was aiming for the right target. Then again, it's probably good he's not.
Urge to visit the bathroom...In the Queue
Geeky Anticipation For next Star Wars film...Running
Mind numbing fear he will never, ever, ever know the love of a real woman...Running
Need to complete next task in time for class...Not Applicable...Processing...Processing...Error, Error, Error.
Huh, well what do you know...So this is what that feels like. Pretty sweet. Meanwhile the Lost One has gone through several life changing events, including his acceptance into a Law School in the mid-west (to those who wanted the Lost One to return to the capital...Sorry the money was to good, the Lost One is nothing if not a fully self interested sellout). Still, the Lost One is in no ways thrilled to have a new set of bureaucrats to deal with (after two phone calls and an e-mail, the Lost One still doesn't know if the Lost Kitty is going to be a deal breaker for his attempt at living in on-campus graduate housing). Also he has realized he has a rather bad case of Spring fever, and a serious hate on for the clase de Profesora F_______. Not that the Lost One holds any grudge against her...Well, not a big one...Well, I'm sure the urge to kill her will fade. Eventually. It's just that she's so darn new to the whole teaching game that I feel like the class is being taught by a video professor. Or maybe its cause she doesn't think the Lost One is very funny (as signs of soullessness go, only having no reflection is a better indicator). And Professor M_______! Boy does the Lost One loathe being right all the time, yet he knows we all have our crosses to bare. Professor M______ has begun his class readings with a book in which he's heavily mentioned in the introduction(not that he assigned the introduction to be read mind, he merely pointed out that it is there with his name in it <"Nooooooooooo don't read the introduction where I am mentioned 14 tiiiiiiiiiiiimes...This is so embarrasingggggggg...You in the back why haven't you turned to the introduction yet?">) But he also assigned two additional readings he wrote. How's that for hubris? All the while professing, "I don't like to assign books I wrote." Riiiiiiiight. And if the book was any good, well the Lost One could overlook all this. It wasn't so he can't. First, the book argued that people are required to petition for rights to be implemented. The Lost One actually agrees with this point, after all the beauty of the American system is not it's perfection (nothing on this Earth short of the Divine's presence can be perfect), instead the American systems true elegance comes in providing a system that responds to people's enthusiams via Constitutional methods. Protesters (and the freedom of speech they represent) are vital in changing public opinion sure, but with out the first amendments other (and in my opinion the more important right) it is the ability to petition the government for redress of our grievances that is how rights are made. However, according to the book, it's all about people's agitation. Whatever. In the end, no amount of protests will ever count as much as a single election day results going your way. If only Professor M_______ was aiming for the right target. Then again, it's probably good he's not.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Yes, I know I shouldn't link to this but...
Oh, My gosh, the Lost One should know by now that going to the Ace of Spades HQ is always a dangerous click, but this link incapacitated him for a good five minutes. Calling 911 because your order was wrong? Oh, my. The Lost One must admit that he first thought this was a hoax (the line, "Ma'am we're not going to go and enforce a burger on them." was simply too delicious to not have been scripted). However, according to Snopes the phone call is real, and speaking as a former Burger King burger slinger, I know this lady. Enjoy, without the fries.